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South Central Community School Corporation
9808 South 600 West - Union Mills, Indiana 46382 • 219-767-2263
School is Open

Pre-K & Kindergarten Requirements

As your student enters pre-kindergarten and kindergarten, South Central requires the completion of the following forms before they attend school.
  1. Medical Exam Form
    • To be completed by the parent and the primary care provider.
  2. Parent Consent to Share Medical Information 
    • Located at the bottom of the medical exam form and allows the school nurse to share medical information with other school personnel and/or other healthcare providers. Only a signature is needed.
  3. Immunization Record
    • 2025-2026 Immunization Requirements
    • Immunizations can be obtained from the healthcare provider, pharmacy, or the LaPorte County Health Department. If more resources are needed, contact the school nurse.
    • South Central requires parents/guardians to provide proof of immunizations for state-required vaccines within 20 days of enrollment to avoid exclusion from school.
    • Immunization Exemption Request Form
      • A medical exemption must include documentation from a physician.
  4. Dental Examination History Form
    • To be completed by the student's dentist.
  5. Children and Hoosiers Immunization Registry Program (CHIRP) Permission
    • This form is signed online via Harmony Family Access during registration.
    • Signing this form gives consent for the school nurse to enter immunization dates in the state registry.
    • Learn more about CHIRP
Please contact the school nurse if you have questions about any of these forms and/or requirements.