By Derek Budka on Friday, 27 October 2023
Category: Corporation

Update to November 1st Virtual Learning Day

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Thank you for your support over the last 48 hours as we've endured another tragic loss of a student. Mark was a vibrant, respectful young man and will be dearly missed here at South Central.

As you know, we recently sent a letter to you with information regarding virtual learning, eLearning, and our snow make-up days. Next Wednesday, November 1st was a scheduled virtual learning, where students were going to be required to be on live Google Meets from 9:00-12:00pm, then teachers were going to have professional development in the afternoon. In light of the tragic events we are dealing with, we've decided to change the November 1st virtual day to an 'old fashioned' eLearning day. This way, assignments will be posted by 9:00am and due by 11:59pm, unless otherwise noted by the teacher. There will be no live instruction through Google Meets, however, teachers will be available by email and Canvas/Google Classroom to assist students.

We thought switching to an eLearning day would be more appropriate to provide flexibility and some time for students and staff to decompress as we continue to navigate these difficult times.

Please feel free to visit the online learning page on our website for further information and clarification:

Thank you again for your continued support of South Central Schools, our students, staff, and community.


Ben Anderson, Superintendent