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South Central Community School Corporation
9808 South 600 West - Union Mills, Indiana 46382 • 219-767-2263
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South Central Receives IDOE Career Pathways Grant

South Central is pleased to have been awarded $221,440 for the Indiana Department of Education's Career Pathways Grant! These grant dollars will help pay for the implementation of the new high school welding program starting in the 2022-2023 school year. We are appreciative of American Welding and Gas and the LaPorte Economic Advancement Partnership (LEAP) who have been partners in this grant.

The Indiana Department of Education awarded a total of 97 schools and community partners with more than $57 million in Explore, Engage, and Experience (3E) grant funding. The grant will aid Indiana schools and local partners as they work to strengthen, expand, and create effective career pathways throughout students' K-12 learning. You can read the full press release on the IDOE website.

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