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South Central Elementary School
9808 South 600 West - Union Mills, Indiana 46382 • 219-767-2269
School is Closed

Notice of Special Education Records Destruction

If you received special education services or were tested for services but did not qualify from the South LaPorte County Special Education Cooperative (LaPorte, New Prairie, South Central, Westville, Tri-Township Schools) and you graduated or were exited from services between 1/1/2018 to 12/31/2019, your records will be destroyed on or about July 1, 2025. If you wish to obtain your records you must submit a written request to South LaPorte County Special Education Cooperative, 1000 Harrison Street, La Porte, IN 46350, attention Julie Klinedinst or by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The records will be released only to the former student, now of legal age, upon presentation of a photo ID; or parent/guardian with legal documentation of guardianship. You must make the request for records by June 15, 2025, which provides the required notice to the cooperative office. 

Updated Online Learning Information

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I hope this letter finds you and your family well! The school year continues to fly by. It's hard to believe it's already mid-February. I wanted to thank you for your patience with our recent weather delays and cancellations to eLearning. With a winter storm forecasted later this week, we are sending this letter as a reminder regarding our procedures for further inclement weather days.

You may recall that Indiana Code only allows us to utilize up to three (3) "old-fashioned" eLearning days per school year. We have now utilized all 3 of those. Per our current procedures, after using our 3 eLearning days, we would next move to utilizing 3 virtual learning days with live instruction. For virtual learning, students are required to be on live Google Meets for at least 50% of the school day in order for it to count as a day. On those days, we will utilize our 2-hour delay schedule and live Google Meets would begin at 10:00am. The JH/HS will operate on their 2-hour delay bell schedule. The elementary school will provide a live instruction schedule for each grade level that will also begin at 10:00am.

If we would happen to utilize 3 virtual learning days, we would then move to the make-up days built into the calendar. The make-up days left on the calendar as of the writing of this letter are February 14th and May 2nd.

Also, as a reminder, we have one virtual learning day left that is built into the calendar for teacher professional development. That is March 5th. On that day, teachers and students will be on live Google Meet in the AM from 9:00am-12:00pm, while the afternoon will be for teacher meetings and training. The building principals will send out schedules and reminder information specific to that day soon.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to the school office if you have any questions or for further clarification! Thank you for your continued support of South Central Schools.

Kind regards,

Ben Anderson, Superintendent

2025-2026 Pre-K & Kindergarten Roundup

2025-2026 Pre-K & Kindergarten Roundup

South Central Elementary School will hold pre-kindergarten and kindergarten roundup for the 2025-2026 school year on Wednesday, March 26th from 9:00am-2:00pm and on Thursday, March 27th from 3:30pm-6:00pm.

Children who turn four by September 1, 2025 are eligible to sign up for pre-kindergarten and children who turn five by September 1, 2025 are eligible for kindergarten. Please bring the child's birth certificate. 

2025 Elementary Spelling Bee

2025 Elementary Spelling Bee

Congratulations to all the participants of the 2025 elementary spelling bee! A big shoutout also goes to our top three finishers:

1st Place: Hannah B.
2nd Place: Lucas S.
3rd Place: Henry M.

Hannah will move on to participate in the regional spelling bee.

RSVP for Little Comets Pre-Kindergarten

RSVP for Little Comets Pre-Kindergarten

Please fill out the form linked below if you are interested in your child(ren) attending Little Comets pre-kindergarten at South Central Elementary for the 2025-2026 school year. Your child must be 4 years old by September 1, 2025. 

The cost for half-day Pre-K is $200 per month (for 9 months) along with a one-time $50 enrollment fee. Information regarding the pre-kindergarten round-up will be posted on the school website and Facebook page in March. If you are not able to fill out the form, feel free to call the elementary office at 219-767-2269.

Pre-Kindergarten RSVP Form

Introducing Comet: South Central's AI Assistant

Introducing Comet: South Central's AI Assistant

Continuing the partnership with Skybound Education, South Central is excited to launch an artificial intelligence assistant, rightfully named Comet. This AI assistant, located in the bottom-right corner of the district website, will help provide answers and information based on simple questions. Faculty contact information, lunch pricing/menus, and calendar events are just a few examples of topics that Comet can help with. Feel free to give it a try!

While no AI assistant is perfect, we hope this becomes a valuable tool that is useful for quick answers to topics regarding South Central. If Comet cannot help, we still recommend contacting the school via phone or email and we welcome you to share any feedback by submitting this form. This project was made possible thanks to funding received as recipients of the 2024-2025 Indiana Digital Learning Parent and Family Support Grant.

Support the Education Foundation at Buffalo Wild Wings

Support the Education Foundation at Buffalo Wild Wings

Enjoy a meal and support the South Central Education Foundation at the same time by eating at Buffalo Wild Wings! From 5:00pm-9:00pm on Wednesday, December 11th, Buffalo Wild Wings in LaPorte will be hosting a give-back night with 10% of all food sales donated back to the South Central Education Foundation. Both dine-in and carryout meals are eligible. Thank you for your support!

SC Logo Window Decals for Sale

SC Logo Window Decals for Sale

Show off your school pride by purchasing a South Central window decal! South Central Elementary School will be selling SC logo window decals for $5.00. Return the order form to the elementary office by Friday, December 13th to secure your order.

Online Learning Information

Dear Parent/Guardian,

I hope this letter finds you well! It's hard to believe we're already to the end of the 1st grading period. The beginning of the year has flown by! We've had a fantastic start to the school year here at SC, and we appreciate your partnership and support.

The purpose of this letter is to provide information on our virtual learning and eLearning days this school year. We have two virtual learning days built into the school calendar for teacher professional development days. Those are November 1st and March 5th. On those two days, teachers and students will be on live Google Meets in the AM from 9:00-12:00, while the afternoon will be for teacher meetings and training. The building principals will send out schedules and information very soon specific to those two days.

For inclement weather, we'll potentially utilize eLearning days, virtual learning days, and snow make-up days. We are only allowed to use up to three (3) eLearning days in a school year, per Indiana Code. eLearning days would be our "old fashion" days where lessons are posted on Canvas (grades 5-12) or Google Classroom (grades K-4) by 9:00am, and students can complete their work at any time throughout the day. Assignments are due by 11:59pm, unless otherwise directed by the teacher. For virtual learning, students are required to be on live Google Meets for at least 50% of the school day in order for it to count as a day. So those days we will use our 2-hour delay schedule like we have in the past, and live Google Meets will begin at 10:00am. The JH / HS will operate on the 2-hour delay bell schedule. The elementary school will provide a live instruction schedule for each grade level that will also begin at 10:00am.

If we would happen to use up our 3 eLearning days, we'll then plan to use 3 virtual days with live instruction. While I certainly hope we don't have that many inclement weather days, if we would get past those 3 eLearning days AND 3 virtual learning days, we'll utilize the built in snow make-up days. Snow make-up days are built into our calendar on January 20th, February 14th, and May 2nd.

We understand that this is somewhat confusing, which is why I wanted to provide this letter as a reminder and to clarify the differences. Please do not hesitate to reach out to the school office if you have any questions or for further clarification!

Thank you for your continued support!

Ben Anderson, Superintendent

Back to School Letter from the Superintendent

Dear Parent/Guardians,

It's hard to believe, but the 2024-2025 school year is right around the corner! Summer FLEW by once again! I hope you were able to relax and recharge with your family. We are gearing up for another fabulous year at SC! We can't wait to see students in just two short weeks.

Our summer has been incredibly busy with our building project/renovations and other projects going on here at the school. We are excited for you to see the progress! Some renovations/updates will be completed before school starts (several restrooms, casework in elementary classrooms, track resurfacing, etc.), while several will be completed within a few weeks of school starting (library/media center, additional restrooms, locker rooms), and some will be later in the school year after Christmas break (elementary classroom addition, high school classroom addition, student activity center). Don't forget that you can track progress with the weekly updates on our website (!

Our maintenance staff has done a wonderful job this summer, and overall the building looks GREAT!! But you'll have to please excuse the dust in some areas as construction inside the building continues.

I wanted to REMIND you that due to legislative changes from the Indiana General Assembly last year, families will not be charged for textbook rental, Chromebooks, or class fees as you have been in the past. If your child is in band, they'll still need to rent or provide their own instrument. If your child is in welding, they'll still need to have their own personal protective equipment (PPE). Also, please note: students/families will still be responsible to pay for lost or damaged textbooks and Chromebooks.

We do still ask that students bring in their typical supplies (pencils, paper, crayons, folders, etc.). If you need assistance with school supplies, please let us know!

Enjoy these last couple weeks of summer! Please don't hesitate to contact the school with any questions or concerns.

Go Satellites!

Ben Anderson, Superintendent