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South Central Jr.-Sr. High School
9808 South 600 West - Union Mills, Indiana 46382 • 219-767-2266
eLearning Day

Visiting Our School

South Central Community School Corporation welcomes community members to be involved in our schools, as we feel fortunate to have local members who can help enhance the quality of education of our students. The corporation also prioritizes the safety and well-being of the students and staff on campus at all times, therefore, certain security measures and procedures have been implemented for visitors to help protect our schools.

School Hour Visitors
During the school day, all visitors must enter via the front entrances (door #2 or door #3) and sign in at the front desk. Visitors wishing to enter beyond the office area will be asked to present a government-issued photo ID (driver's license or passport) to be scanned by the Raptor visitor management system. This system will check the National Sex Offender Registry to ensure known predators are not approved to enter beyond the office. A visitor's badge with name and photo will be printed and must be worn at all times while on campus.

A state-issued ID and visitor's badge will not be needed for those who visit to pick-up/drop-off an item in the office, attend a conference in the office, or attend other events taking place after school. Admittance of visitors without a state-issued ID will be determined by the administration. The safety of our students is our highest priority, therefore, visitors will not be allowed to join our students during their lunch hours.

Volunteers & Chaperones
The use of the visitor system does not replace the process of performing limited criminal background checks. Background checks must be done for in-school volunteers and field trip chaperones. Please use the attached form below to complete the background check. Forms must be submitted to the school office and approved before any volunteer activity takes place. A background search that returns results with an alert will be evaluated on an individual basis and administration will determine if an individual will be permitted to volunteer or chaperone.